Kybella & Fat-Melting Injection For Double Chin Reduction and Stubborn Fat Removal
Kybella is designed to improve the appearance of your double chin. Its active ingredient is deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally-occurring molecule that breaks down fat. When this medicine is injected into the area underneath your chin, it destroys the unwanted fat cells. PCDC
Your body then removes the targeted cells through its natural elimination process, allowing your contoured new facial appearance to emerge over time.

Kybella/Fat Melting Injections PCDC
What Can Kybella or Fat-melting Injections Accomplish?
-Results in as Little As Few Weeks
-No Incisions, Downtime or Recovery Period
-Completely Non-Invasive Procedure
What to expect during your treatment?
Your Fat Melting Injection procedure will take place in one of our relaxing treatment rooms.
To begin, we will create the perfect plan to give you the best results.
From there, we will draw a grid over the treatment area, which will guide the injection process. Using a tiny needle,
we will then inject the medication directly into the excess volume beneath your chin or other unwanted fat areas, where it will work to destroy your unwanted fat cells.
Aesthetics Clinic.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are There Any Risks Associated With Kybella?
Clinical trials have shown that Kybella is a very safe treatment. With that said, in rare cases complications can arise. For example, there’s a very small chance that Kybella injections can damage the tissue or nerves in the treatment area, weakening the facial muscles and causing an asymmetrical appearance. However, this risk is very unlikely when your injections are performed by a trained and experienced medical doctor, like at PAC.
Is Kybella Right for You?
An extremely safe treatment, almost anyone over the age of 18 who suffers from a double chin can benefit from Kybella. With that said, if you’re pregnant or nursing, have an active infection, are taking blood thinners or have experienced difficulty swallowing, you won’t be considered a candidate for this procedure.
How Does It Work?
Kybella is comprised of deoxycholic acid, which breaks down and absorbs dietary fat. When Kybella shots are injected into subcutaneous fat, the underlying fat cells are destroyed and cannot rejuvenate.
How Is It Administered?
Kybella chin reduction is injected subcutaneously using an area-adjusted dose. One treatment can consist of up to 50 tiny injections. Because the procedure relies on the natural process of fat breakdown, several treatments may be needed once a month.
Is It Painful?
Pain is always relative, but most patients report only mild discomfort at the beginning of the procedure that subsides as the treatment progresses. Most people find an over-the-counter pain reliever is adequate to relieve any discomfort post-procedure. During subsequent treatment sessions, the level of discomfort lessens with the majority of patients.
Fat Melting Injections Form