Fat Transfer and Injections Boca Raton, FL

Fat transfer procedures involve the following three steps:
- Fat Removal: Small cuts are made to the skin and a tiny tube is inserted to suck out fat. The cuts are closed back up and a dressing is placed over them.
- Fat Preparation: We utilize a special machine to spin the fat. This separates that fat from blood and other fluids.
- Fat Injection: A needle is used to apply small amounts of fat to the area being treated. Because the holes are so tiny, no stitches are needed..
The fat transfers procedure typically takes around two hours to complete. One can go home after a fat transfers procedure. During the procedure, the patient should experience very minimal pain. After the procedure, the patient may feel uncomfortable for a few days.
Fat transfer is a popular choice for those looking to enhance their troubled areas, and it is only getting more popular as time goes on. Areas that have the fat transfers procedure have a more natural feel and appearance than areas that have used other methods to achieve the effect.
After a fat transfers procedure, someone will need to be able to pick you up. When you no longer feel discomfort, you can begin driving again. Areas that are treated may be bruised and swollen- this can last for a week or more. To see the full effect of a fat transfers procedure, you will have to wait up to six months.
Depending on where you put the fat some fat transfer procedures require some recovery time, and special care needs to be taken to achieve optimum results.
The doctor will go over all the benefits of fat transfers and your specific case. They will work with you to give you the most realistic expectations regarding the look you desire. In addition to going over the benefits of the procedure, the doctor will also go over any risks and complications that could arise. Your initial consultation will determine if a fat transfer procedure is right for you.
What is the required after care if I transfer the fat to my buttocks (BBL)?
The after care is simple. A specific faja must be worn every day 24/7 for the first two weeks. After that it is only required to be worn at night for another two weeks. Also, a specific pillow must be bought as you are going to be unable to directly sit on the area for a certain amount of time.
At PAC, our goal is to help our clients age gracefully. With an extensive menu of innovative anti-aging and wellness treatments, we have everything you need to care for your body and slow down the aging process, so you can continue looking and feeling your best for years to come. Learn more
Fat Transfer and Injections Form