Boca Raton Botox Clinic
The before and after pictures shows the Botox effect when patients asked to do the same facial expression.

Botox Is Voted as the Most Desired and Result-delivering Procedure in Aesthetics
Based on hundreds of happy clients and with the experience of performing thousands of Botox injections, Prestige Aesthetics Clinic offers the best result-oriented Botox treatments in Boca Raton Florida & the surrounding areas . Book your Botox appointment today and treat your frown lines and wrinkles.
Botox is the go-to product that works magically to get rid of your dynamic wrinkles between the eyebrows, forehead, crow’s feet, and vertical lines above the lips (straw lines, or as they were used to be called “smoker’s lines”). Botox Treatment will give you the appearance of a relaxed look and younger features. When you get your treatment at Prestige Aesthetics Clinic, you get an experienced provider and best botox doctor who is also an Aesthetics Instructor. Dr. Sharabi teaches other providers how to avoid mistakes so you rest assured you are getting the best available treatment to look younger, more relaxed, without freezing your expressions (waxy/frozen looks).
Prestige Aesthetics Clinic injectors are well-experienced in advanced administration of Botox for full facial rejuvenation utilizing the latest and most advanced techniques to treat not only wrinkles but also medically to achieve great results such as in Bruxism, down-turned mouth, and Gummy smile correction to name a few.
20 Minutes Treatment Will Give You Months of Rejuvenation and Prevent Statics Wrinkle Formation!
Younger people are doing more and more Botox, they say it prevents future wrinkles. Is this true? Although we all know that Botox makes your wrinkles disappear, not everyone knows that by relaxing those specific muscles, you are also preventing repetitive localized trauma to your skin and therefore eliminating the ability to develop new wrinkles in the future. Additionally, even stubborn, and static wrinkles tend to disappear when committing to a continuous Prestige Botox Treatment Plan.
Botox placement can be tailored to give you a subtle lateral brow lift or a significant lateral brow lift depending on your preference. It is also a great treatment to Gummy smile by causing your lip to elevate up to the base of your teeth instead of showing your gum while smiling and laughing. Botox as an Anti Aging and Anti Wrinkle Treatment is quick and you can get back to your daily activity, so stop by for your botox before work, during your lunch break or before going home after work and look your best.

How Does Botox Work? And What Is Botox Really?
The most commonly treated wrinkles are the frown lines (the elevens) between the brows, and the forehead lines. Crow's feet comes second in line, as well as other Medical non-cosmetic applications.The main areas treated with Botox are:
So Botox Is a Toxin! Why Would I Inject a Toxin in My body?
Toxicity is a relative term, and it all depends on the volume and the method of entrance of a specific material to our bodies. Also our whole-body chemistry and balances. For example air is toxic and lethal to our body if injected in large quantities Intravenously. Banansa can be toxic to patients with renal failure because it is high in Potassium. Tylenol can be fatal and will shut your liver off if consumed with Alcohol in high dosage (3 grams/6 tablets).
Similarly Botulinum toxin can be toxic in high doses by weakening the muscles in the body, however it is virtually almost impossible to be toxic in the doses delivered during our treatment. Again at Prestige Aesthetics Botox delivered in only controlled dosages according to standards of practices and therefore is being delivered in a nontoxic dosage all the time.
Botox placement can be tailored to give you a subtle lateral brow lift or a significant lateral brow lift depending on your preference. It is also a great treatment to Gummy smile by causing your lip to elevate up to the base of your teeth instead of showing your gum while smiling and laughing. Botox as an Anti Aging and Anti Wrinkle Treatment is quick and you can get back to your daily activity, so stop by for your botox before work, during your lunch break or before going home after work and look your best.
What Should I Expect When I Receive Botox at Prestige Aesthetics Clinic
Our specialist will discuss with you the areas of concern and conduct a full evaluation. Next we’ll clean the area. We then use a very small and fine needle to inject the wrinkle-causing muscles in each of the treatment area. We will put all published knowledge and teaching experience behind our injections so that you get the best available Botox treatment available in Boca Raton. The needle is tiny but will give you a slight pinch discomfort, and the injection sites may become red and swollen for a few hours. Botox treatments usually averages 20 minutes with no down time, so you can go right back to your daily activities with few recommendation to avoid bending over, laying down or rubbing the areas injected for 2-4 hours until the Botox sets in your nerve endings.
Similarly Botulinum toxin can be toxic in high doses by weakening the muscles in the body, however it is virtually almost impossible to be toxic in the doses delivered during our treatment. Again at Prestige Aesthetics Botox delivered in only controlled dosages according to standards of practices and therefore is being delivered in a nontoxic dosage all the time.
Botox placement can be tailored to give you a subtle lateral brow lift or a significant lateral brow lift depending on your preference. It is also a great treatment to Gummy smile by causing your lip to elevate up to the base of your teeth instead of showing your gum while smiling and laughing. Botox as an Anti Aging and Anti Wrinkle Treatment is quick and you can get back to your daily activity, so stop by for your botox before work, during your lunch break or before going home after work and look your best.
Are the Botox Results Immediate?
No, Botox takes anywhere between 3-10 days to show full results. But by day 10 you will see the full effect of Botox.
How Long Will My Botox Results Last?
The results typically last between three and four months for most people. We recommend for our clients to keep up with the Botox to eliminate the formation of static wrinkles by repeating the treatment before the muscles regain full control.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are the Side Effects of Botox Injections?
Most people who receive Botox injection do not suffer any side effects other than the localized effect of the needle injections such as bruising, minimal bleeding, and small bumps that typically disappear within an hour. The bruising or the minimal skin discoloration are easily covered with make-up foundation if at all necessary.
To reduce bleeding or bruising we recommend avoiding alcohol, vitamins, other natural supplements or any NSAIDs medications for at least few days (preferably a week) before the procedure. Taking Arnika Forte before during and after treatment significantly reduce bruising. On rare occasions and with patients who had neurological diseases other neurological symptoms not related to the site of injection may occur but these effects are generally rare.
Does Botox Erase All My Wrinkles?
Botox is a neuromodulator and will weaken the muscle responsible for your active wrinkles (when you are animating). With time your dynamic wrinkles will engrave into your skin surface and other layers and eventually create what is called a static wrinkles (wrinkle present even if you are fully relaxed). Typically the Botox treatment will erase the dynamic wrinkles but we have seen great enhancement for the static wrinkles in patients who are diligent about maintaining their Botox treatment in time.
Is the Botox Used for Wrinkles Only?
Pre-treatment Botox Recommendations
It is recommended that you avoid the following products a week prior to your treatment. These medications/supplements thin your blood and can increase your chances of bruising:
• NSAIDs (including Advil or Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, and Celebrex)
• Fish Oil
• Ginkgo Biloba
• St. John's Wort
• Vioxx
• Vitamin E (high dose)
You should avoid rubbing or massaging the area of treatment after the injection of Botox. You should also avoid laying down, leaning forward, or bending over for at least four hours post therapy as the material is settling in the nerve ending within hours after injection. Also, you should avoid excessive heat and excessive exercise to keep the material in the location it was injected and to avoid rare side effects.
To reduce the chance of bruising and/or to minimize the length and severity of bruises, it is recommended to take the oral supplement Arnika Forte which contains the Arnica Montana, Bromelain, grape seed extract, Rutin, and Vitamin C. These compounds helps with bruising and swelling and have natural anti-inflammatory effect. This powerful combination of purified elements not only helps in reducing the length and the severity of bruises but also help preventing the bruises from ever happening if taken before the procedure.
Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, Jeuveau Form